Whether you're already retired, close to it, or just getting started in your career, it's never too early to start thinking about retirement planning. Unfortunately, for many people life gets in the way and retirement planning is put on the back burner, until suddenly, retirement is right around the corner.
Some of the benefits of starting your retirement planning now instead of later include:
Tax rules regarding retirement plans are complex however. Each benefit plan has specific requirements as outlined by the IRS and not every plan can be used by everyone. For example, contributions limits vary by the type of plan, your income, and your age. Some plans may require withdrawals at a certain age, while others have no age limit. Some withdrawals are taxed at retirement, whereas others are tax free. You'll need to understand the tax implications of your retirement planning choices.
That's why it's best to use a professional like us. We work with highly qualified retirement professionals and firms, such as Mark Sanman with Amerprise Financial to develope a long term strategy for your retirement.
There's no time like the present to start planning your financial future. If you're ready to start planning for your retirement years, call us first. Don't wait until it is too late. We'll help you make sure your retirement years are nothing but smooth sailing ahead.
Planning for the future is important, and elder care services are crucial to help your elderly family members maintain their independence and financial freedom. Contact us today for more information.